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Logista Board Game review

Overview from LOGISTA

LOGISTA is a family game for 2-8 players aged 8 years and above. Not only is LOGISTA a game for entertainment, but also teaches Geography, Co-ordination, Money Skills and Business and Communication Skills. The basic idea of the game is to get from the destination you start from to the destination you are going to as quickly as possible. By taking the shortest route with the least possible penalties so that you become the richest player and the final winner of the game.

Overall rating: (4.5) / 5



The LOGISTA game arrived in a plastic tube, similar to a time capsule. You unscrew the capsule and take all the pieces out. We did a quick check to make sure everything was there and indeed it was! Right down to the timer!

The game is played on a laminated paper board. It is tough and appears to be able to stand heavy use. It is also wipe clean so great if you are out on the road with it. The playing pieces are cones (the game is heavily by roads, given the nature of the game!) and you can have up to 8 players. We tried it with just 2 to begin and had a good laugh.

You are encouraged by the creator, trucker John Caesar, to use your imagination and so we did - our playing pieces were trucks and the trips were full loads of pallets!

The objective of the game is to make the most money. You start in London, taking a card with an unknown destination. it could be a 'short' run to Bristol or it could be to the highlands of Scotland. Once you get to your destination, you pick up another card from that location and that tells you your next destination. And so on and so forth.

The game differs to other board games in the sense that it is timed. You play against the clock - we played an open game until we started to go back to the same destinations regularly, then we set the timer on for 10 minutes. Then the race was on to complete the current destination before the end to get the credit!

You would assume that the more trips you do, the more money you would earn. That's not the case! I did four more trips than my partner yet she won! I landed on the service station cards several time which penalised my as much as £20 for some food! Not to mention the Working Time Regulations resulting in me missing turns! I also landed on speed camera cards though was happy to pick up a card that read 'The speed camera has been vandalised. Move on'!

LOGISTA's Target Audience

So that's a bit about the game. But who is it aimed at? John sent us an article from Peterborough Today which explained that the local college is using it as an educational tool. I personally think that the game would suit anyone who has an interest in trucking, driving or roads. I could see an 8 year old enjoying this and an 80 year old enjoying it. The rules are simple and easy to follow.

LOGISTA Good Points

LOGISTA Bad Points


Overall this game is thoroughly entertaining. Yes it has a few negatives but nothing that would stop anyone enjoying this game. It is suited to anyone who has an interest in roads, haulage or logistics as it draws upon driving, planning and (the best bit) earning stacks of money!

We think that this game could go far. At less than £30 it is a bargain and well worth that, especially given the amount of times you would use it.

If this was given as a Birthday present or Christmas present, we think it would be well received, no matter how young (8 years +) or how old you are.

The Creator's Comments

Following publication of this review, the creator John Caesar emailed the following points:

Web link: LOGISTA
Price: £29.95 excluding P&P (May 2006)
Payment: Cheque only

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